The sample rate, filter corner frequency, settling time, group delay and output word rate will be reduced also, as these are proportional to the external clock frequency. 由于采样速率、滤波器转折频率、建立时间、群延迟和输出字速率与外部时钟频率呈比例变化关系,因此这些参数也会相应降低。
After processing, the settling is close, the vitriol flower is big, settling rate quick, is propitious to sludge dewatering processing; 本产品反应处理后的沉淀物紧密、矾花大,沉降速度快、有利污泥脱水处理;
Popped corns can be added to milk to increase the settling time in the stomach, which can improve the absorb rate of the nutrition. 膨脆谷物可添加在牛奶中食用,可增加牛奶在胃中的停留时间,显著提高营养的吸收率。
Rotary flow settler has been adopted in the pre-treatment for acid settling and the TA removal rate has reached from 60% to 70%. Resource has been effectively recovered and the subsequent biochemical treatment load reduced. 预处理采用旋流沉淀器进行酸沉,TA的去除率可达到60%-70%,既有效地回收了资源,又减轻了后续生化处理的负荷。
The terminal settling velocity was much greater than that of the liquid upflow, which successfully solved the problem of sludge wash-out under high organic loading rate ( OLR). 颗粒污泥的终端沉降速度远高于厌氧反应器中废水的上流速度,其良好的沉降性能解决了在高负荷情况下污泥的流失问题。
Furthermore, the results testing from the static settling experiment indicate that the settling rate of turbid liquor layer is fast and the residual turbidity of supernatant is low also. 而且,由静沉实验测得浑液面沉速高,上清液余浊也低。
The variety of extracellular polymer of particle sludge under different settling rate will influence stability of the particle sludge. 不同沉降速率下颗粒污泥的的胞外多聚物发生变化,进而影响颗粒污泥的稳定性。
In the process of fracturing, sand control and sand washing, settling rules of sand grain in the liquid should be studied, thereby to determine the minimum flow rate and other operation parameters in order to prevent sand deposit at the downhole. 在压裂、防砂及冲砂过程中,为防止砂粒在井筒底部沉积,需研究砂粒在液体中的沉降规律,从而确定最低排量等施工参数。
Sludge age, oxygen consuming rate, extracellular polymer and removal efficiency of COD take changes with variety of settling rate. 在沉降速率变化过程中,污泥龄、耗氧速率、胞外多聚物和COD去除率均产生变化。
The results show that the free settling velocity and the hindered settling rate of fine particles in water have increased after the mineral surface became hydrophobic. This is in keeping with the theory analysis results. 结果表明,矿粒表面疏水化后,在水中的自由沉降速度和干涉沉降速度均上升,这与理论分析结果相一致。
The East China Sea ( ECS) shelf is characterized by gentle topography, large amount of sediment supply, high settling rate and strong dynamic field, and the tidal sand ridges are well developed and distributed on the ECS shelf. 东海陆架以宽平的地形、充分的陆源沉积物供应、快速沉降和强动力场为特征,中外陆架发育大规模潮流沙脊地貌。
The fluctuating of sludge age is relative to the content of extracellular polymer under different settling rate. 污泥龄的波动与不同沉降速率下反应器中污泥中的胞外多聚物含量的变化有关。
The canopy exerts a strong influence on the concentration, settling velocity of the flocs and deposition rate of the cohesive suspended sediment through effects on bed shear stress and turbulence of flow within the canopy. 大米草冠层通过影响底床剪切应力τb和水流紊动而对悬浮泥沙浓度、细颗粒泥沙絮凝体沉降速率产生作用。
Influence on Property of Aerobic Particle Sludge When Settling Rate as Selection Pressure 沉降速率作为选择压对好氧颗粒污泥性质影响
Influence on property of aerobic particle sludge was studied when settling rate as selection pressure, and aerobic particle sludge as inoculation sludge domesticated by activated sludge in sequence reactor, and glucose as carbon source. 在序批式反应器中以普通活性污泥驯化而得的好氧颗粒污泥为接种污泥,葡萄糖为碳源,研究作为选择压的沉降速率对好氧颗粒污泥性质的影响。
The balance between the rate of settling of the basement rock and the deposition or supplying rate of the sediment is the root causing that controls the spatial distribution of the sand body; 基底沉降速率与沉积物沉积速率或供给速率的平衡关系是控制砂体空间展布的根本原因;
In addition, the operation parameters optimization is further quantitatively scaled, and the profile control radius use the fitting result of tracer for reference, the settling speed of the granular agent is taken into considerations for operating flow rate. 在调剖施工参数优化设计上进一步科学地定量化,调剖半径借鉴示踪剂拟合结果,施工排量考虑了颗粒型堵剂的沉降速度。
This paper has made an exploration on the flocculating settling model of fine-grained tailing for the purpose of determinating the flocculating settling rate more practically. 本文试就细粒级尾砂的絮凝沉降模型进行探讨,以求在计算絮凝沉降时更接近实际。
Under the conditions of optimized concentration of demulsifier and ultrasonic irradiation to oil emulsions for 30 minutes and settling for three hours, the dehydration rate of oil exceeds 90 percent. 在破乳剂最优用量的实验条件下,对乳化原油进行超声处理30min,沉降3h,脱水率可以达到90%以上。
The optimum dosage rate in different temperature was obtained by the sludge settling test curve. The sludge settling property was improved along with the temperature increase in the optimum dosage rate. 并且通过沉降试验曲线可求得不同温度下的最佳投配率,在最佳投配率下,随温度的升高,沉降性能不断增强。
Based on the age of a geological sample and its buried depth, the settling rate at the location where the sample was taken can be estimated. 由地质样品的年代及其埋深,得到样品所在地的沉降速率。
Results showed that settling rate is in inverse ratio to the value of SV and MLSS. 结果表明:作为选择压的沉降速率与反应器中SV值和MLSS成反比关系;
The settling rate decreased as the calcium sulfite content increased in the solid phase; 固相中亚硫酸钙的含量高则沉降速率较慢;
Experimental results indicate that granular sludge with different morphology and structure would be formed under different operating conditions. It is appeared that the settling time of the reactor is the important trigger to granulation and volumetric organic loading rate will influence the structure of granules. 结果表明,不同操作条件下产生了结构形态不同的颗粒污泥,沉降时间是颗粒污泥形成的主要因素,有机负荷对颗粒污泥的结构有一定影响。
Although the sludge settling rate initially increased with Al3+ concentration, the SVI was not affected. 结果显示,随着进水Al3+浓度的不断增加,污泥瞬时沉降速度明显增加,而对污泥沉降比影响不大。
As for small number of profiles, on which there are 2 3 age data, the various phases of settling rate can be estimated based on the different data on the same profile. 少数剖面上有2-3个数据,由同一剖面上的不同数据,可得到阶段性的沉降速率。
The Stumbling blocks are the low settling rate and difficult dewatering of fine-grained mill tailing. 其难度在于细粒级尾砂的沉降速度慢和脱水困难。